The 3 Perils of Small Business Marketing
Making marketing “work” comes down to three key ingredients: Strategy, Execution, and Accountability. Here’s why owners struggle to get it right, and 3 priceless tips to fix anemic marketing.
Making marketing “work” comes down to three key ingredients: Strategy, Execution, and Accountability. Here’s why owners struggle to get it right, and 3 priceless tips to fix anemic marketing.
Wondering how your firm can escape the clutches of “marketing by RFP?” Read on to see how you can minimize or even eliminate the bane of great partnerships.
Looking to find the right partner for your business challenge? Sick of the mediocre results provided by RFPs and Google searches? Read on to discover my simple process for finding great talent.
In the first installment of my series on selecting a business partner, I take a look at why the “apples to apples” concept maybe isn’t such a good thing. In fact, while you’re out looking for apples, what your business needs is actually a different fruit entirely.
Ever wonder what the Old Spice guy (super hot) and a $130 million bridge design (super ugly) have in common? Well, it’s how the organizations that created them chose the firms responsible for their creation. Read on to see the good, the bad, and the ugly of selecting a strategic partner.
What’s the best way to motivate a team? Punish? Reward? Turns out, there’s a solution that’s neither carrot nor stick. And, it works.
Every wonder why you’ve been put on hold? Me too. Then I realized there’s one underlying reason – corporations simply don’t “get it.” Customer service isn’t just a department; it’s a way of being.
Ever wonder if that old axiom holds true – that a rotten apple spoils the barrel? Surprise surprise! Not only is this true on the farm, but it’s also the case in business. And, it’s costing you money. Read on to see exactly how much Bad Apples cost your marketing, your morale, and your profits
Two of my business passions are manufacturing and brand authenticity. I believe in making things right, and being honest, credible, and sincere in marketing. As a native Oregonian, and Portland marketer, it’s a subject that hits close to home. Which is why a recent article in Oregon Business magazine caught my eye… Made in the […]
Big Thinker Simon Sinek has a great presentation on the power of “Why.” If you’re business owner or executive, take some time to work “on” your business and watch this video. You won’t be disappointed. Hire Kinesis to grow your business Understanding your Why is one of foundations that we emphasize in our […]