How to Write Remarkable Company Core Values (Part II)
Your company values can engage your employees and catapult your company upward. Employees directly impact the bottom line, revenue, productivity, and customer satisfaction.
Your company values can engage your employees and catapult your company upward. Employees directly impact the bottom line, revenue, productivity, and customer satisfaction.
Learn how to write remarkable company values for less employee turnover, higher customer retention and greater profitability.
Create your business differentiation I’ve spent countless hours telling any business leader who would listen that the only meaningful differentiation that a company has comes from within. Bear with me for a moment and I’ll explain. Company leaders spend time, energy, and money – lots of money – in search of the right product, service, […]
News Flash for Business Owners: Your employees are your most under-utilized, leverageable and accessible asset in your company. Every day, your employees interact with people on the phone, at meetings, in the halls, and on their computer. When they leave your facility, they go to stores, restaurants, gyms, banks, and bars. They call, text, post, […]
Hopefully you’ve read Part 1 of this series and I’ve convinced you that your company must gather testimonials on a regular basis, as well as given you specific ideas for how to leverage them. The next thing that I would like to provide you with is a systematic approach to soliciting testimonials from your clients […]
Tips to getting great testimonials Recently, I asked a client, “Tell me about your system for gathering testimonials?” He replied that he didn’t have one. “What are your recommendations?” he asked. And here is what I told him… Why you should use testimonials Testimonials are one of the most powerful and cost effective selling tools […]
If you are like many companies out there, you’re probably not getting the most out of your marketing time and budget. Businesses often confuse “getting their name out there” with effective marketing. However, they are not the same thing. Let’s start with a few scenarios to help understand what this ineffective exposure looks like: Scenario […]
Over the last two years, Kinesis has radically changed our business model and the way we work with our clients. As a result of our transformation, our old website no longer reflected our company. It provided a lot of information about Kinesis as a creative firm, but said nothing about what we believe in. The […]
In the first part of this series, we talked about setting your SMART goals. This article is all about making them happen. Measuring your progress and adjusting your timeline ensures that your goals are on track to success. Measure progress and celebrate achievement. It’s important for leaders to continue to support goals. Create a set […]
In this two-part series, we’ll look at how to set and accomplish SMART goals for your company. Click here to go to part 2: Achieving Your Goals Are small businesses properly nurturing their company goals and objectives? “More than 80% of small business owners admit they don’t give enough attention to achieving goals; 77% of […]