How Kinesis Spends Our Marketing Dollars
It can be difficult to define a marketing budget, but it helps to look at how peers are allocating resources. We decided to start with ourselves.
The mentality that has driven hiring for the longest time is ‘We want to hire people who have absolutely no issues when they come in the door.’ But no human being is perfect. With the current labor challenges, we’re starting to see employers reexamine their criteria for including and excluding people.
Co-Founder and CEO at Kinesis
In this episode, Shawn Busse, Jay Goltz, and William Vanderbloemen share their takes on the old adage ‘hire slow, fire fast’ and whether it still tracks during a labor shortage.
21 Hats is an online community for business owners and entrepreneurs looking to compare notes, share wins and losses, and learn from one another.
Hosted by Loren Feldman, the 21 Hats Podcast spotlights seven entrepreneurs as they navigate the challenges of building and maintaining a successful business amidst the backdrop of a pandemic. The weekly roundtable covers topics spanning sales and profitability to recruiting and retention, featuring candid insights from established business owners.
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