The Spark: Shoving the robotics industry into the 21st century
Loupe’s spark was Shuv — a proprietary offering enabling engineers to remotely push updates to any machine, from anywhere.
I receive a lot of email. I'd say at least 30 messages a day (not counting spam). Included in this potpourri (haven't used that word since 1987) are client messages, job requests, and sales letters. I'd like to take a few minutes to focus on the last category of message, since many of our readers are interested in generating new business.
A sales letter can be a powerful marketing tool. Worded correctly, it can provide that proverbial "foot in the door" opportunity. Sales letters create awareness of your business and turn "cold" calls into "warm" calls. We've used this strategy for our own business many, many times. For new businesses, this is one of the most economical, straightforward, and easy-to-implement marketing strategies out there.
Unfortunately, many organizations fail to understand the fundamental rules of writing a good letter. Rather than creating interest, these letters annoy and distract the potential customer. Instead of generating a lead, the sales letter ends up in the trash.
In order to understand what makes a good letter, let's look at one of the most common pitfalls - the focus of the letter. Here are some excerpts from an email I recently received:
So what's wrong with this letter? In a word, it's the "we". Notice how nearly every sentence begins with the word "we" or "our?" Instead of talking about how he can help Kinesis, the author spends countless time and energy on the features of his company: we do this, we do that.
At the end of the day, clients don't want to know every detail about your business. They want to know how you can HELP them. They want to hear benefits-driven statements like, "Here's how your company will benefit from our services..." You can the follow it up with a list like this:
Don't get me wrong customers will want to know the skills and features you bring to the table. These details add to your credibility and trustworthiness. But, in telling this story, don't forget to translate how those skills will help the client in their business activities. To mix a few metaphors, stop looking in the mirror, step into your clients' shoes, and ask the question, "how can my skills help this business grow?"
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