The Spark: Shoving the robotics industry into the 21st century
Loupe’s spark was Shuv — a proprietary offering enabling engineers to remotely push updates to any machine, from anywhere.
This post is dedicated to my business partner, Shawn Busse.
Shawn embraces the Inbox Zero principle. I, on the other hand, cling to my e-mails "in some weird buddhist way" as Merlin Mann puts it.Can't help it. I'm a reforming packrat. Reform is sloooow.
Merlin says, "Once you've mined the gold out of your e-mail, it's a dead skeletal husk and you should throw it away."
Yes, Merlin.
Are you like me and hang on to every e-mail you've ever received? Listen to Merlin Mann's talk. Better yet, make your whole team listen to it. He IS Merlin Mann after all.
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