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Old Spice Guy Brings 107% Increase in Sales

Old Spice Guy Brings 107% Increase in Sales

"Hello Ladies. Look at him. Now look at me."

The sexy Isaiah Mustafa and the Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign first appeared during the Super Bowl and immediately became a hit.

According to a recent Oregon Business article, "the Old Spice guy campaign was very successful.  Body wash sales were up 107% year over year as of last month.  The campaign also kick-started a trend that brought more women consumers to the brand, which—clearly from the first "hello ladies"—was the strategy. Since women are more likely to be the shopper for the household, going after the female demographic was a winning approach."

One of the most interesting aspects of the campaign was its aggressive and creative use of social media sites. And it worked really, really, really well. Here are some of the results from the campaign:

  • On day 1 the campaign received almost 6 million views
    (that’s more than Obama’s victory speech)
  • On day 2 old spice had 8 of the 11 most popular videos online
  • On day 3 the campaign had reached over 20 million views
  • After the first week old spice had over 40 million views
  • The Old Spice twitter following increased 2700% (probably off a lowish base)
  • Facebook fan interaction was up 800%
  • website traffic was up 300%
  • The Old Spice YouTube channel became the all time most viewed channel (amazing)
  • The campaign increased sales by 27% over 6 months since launching (year on year)
  • And in the last month sales were up 107% from the social responses campaign work!!!
  • Old spice is now the #1 body wash brand for men.

Read those last 3 bullets. Those are profitable results, folks!

Here is the Weiden + Kennedy case study video with the stats above.

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