The Spark: Shoving the robotics industry into the 21st century
Loupe’s spark was Shuv — a proprietary offering enabling engineers to remotely push updates to any machine, from anywhere.
You know the saying: “Never judge a book by its cover”? It may be a strong life philosophy, but it’s not an accurate description of online user behavior.
The truth is that snap judgments are a fact of life. And they have huge implications in the digital world. Did you know that it takes no more than 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website? .05 seconds – that’s all a user needs to determine whether they like your site or not, whether they’ll stay or leave.
Great web design instills trust in your business. According to web credibility research from Stanford, 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design.
In a day and age where 85% of B2B customers search the web before making a purchase decision, your website has the best chance of being a prospect’s “first impression” of your company and offerings. And it turns out, the look and feel of your website are the primary drivers of those first impressions.
The truth is, visual appeal matters. A lot. And nowhere is that more true than on the web. Today’s Internet user has infinite options about where to commit their attention. And, as the research shows, they form their opinion about your website in milliseconds.
A good first impression is even more valuable in the professional services arena. At Kinesis, we work exclusively with businesses that provide low volume, high-margin services; like you they know that the value of lead can be tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. First impressions don’t just paint a pretty picture; they generate real dollars and cents.
We find that time and time again, good design pays off. In a crowded, competitive landscape, it’s crucial to carve out a space where your brand and your offerings stand out, grab and hold the attention of your target users. You’ll never know how many leads are lost on a bad first impression. And those leads never call to tell you why they didn’t choose your business… they simply leave the phone on the hook.
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