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workforce resources

People make your business possible. And yet, building and growing a team can often be one of the most complex organizational challenges. At Kinesis, we've given this a lot of thought. Check out some of our favorite musings and resources below.


How To Attract More of the Right Employees

Engaged, motivated employees drastically boost profitability, improve team performance, deliver top-notch customer service, and uphold your company’s brand.

Kinesis Business Strategy Team

The Relationship Between HR & Marketing

Learn about talent, recruitment, and the importance of marketing when it comes to building a great workplace and accelerating your company growth.


Why We Don’t Recruit A-Players Anymore

The Kinesis book, Marketing from the Inside Out, has been wildly successful. The only problem? We need to re-write a chapter of it.



Engagement is Driven by Purpose

Kinesis CEO Shawn Busse joined the Human Resources for Small Business podcast to discuss how small businesses can find their purpose and foster company culture.

Kinesis Business & Marketing Strategy Team

Why Employee Satisfaction Isn’t Enough

For years, the name of the game for managing people was employee satisfaction. With a changing labor market and higher employer standards, that focus is changing.


Solving Modern Workforce Challenges

Companies that invest in their people and culture have higher employee engagement. The results are increased profitability and better performance.


Thorns Team Huddle

What Great Teams Can Learn from Soccer

Soccer is a game of creating sequences, and relying on the strength of the team as a whole. Learn how this philosophy can inform your business strategy.


Why Your New Hire Isn’t Working Out

Did you hire someone recently to fix all your woes in a certain department? Is that person just not cutting the mustard? Here’s why.

Rethinking Workforce Now and in the Future

Amidst a Turnover Tsunami, businesses are struggling to attract and retain people. Learn how to stop the bleeding, and then get your workplace into better shape.



Culture in Mergers & Acquisitions

When it comes to Mergers and Acquisitions, one major contributor to the valuation process often gets overlooked: company culture.

Culture is Comprised of Relationships

Up to 70% of workers are actively disengaged. Watch as Anja Taylor breaks down the difference between mechanistic org charts and human-centric organizations.

What is a human-centered business?

We believe that humans are innately motivated to contribute and find meaning in their work. What would it look like to have a business that was designed with that mindset?

Workforce challenges are complex.
We can help.

Your people are the lifeblood of your organization. If you're looking to attract, retain, and engage your team in remarkable ways, let's chat.

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